About the Consultative committee
Consultative committee on the Environmental Agenda among Central Asian and Turkic countries, based in Global Youth Office in Tashkent, was established to promote cooperation between the youth organizations of these countries in the field of ecology. The committee aims to develop effective regional cooperation, support youth participation in the environmental agenda, and create conditions for information exchange and the organization of joint projects.
Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and Hungary Youth’ Statement on Climate Change
We, the youth of Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and Hungary, assert that youth participation is essential in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. We believe promoting transboundary solutions and regional youth collaborations will lead to more effective climate action in our region. We emphasize the importance of youth involvement in climate processes at all levels—nationally, regionally, and globally. We demand the provision of platforms for efficient regional collaborations and the provision of funds to implement youth-led initiatives in the region.
Realization of children's inalienable right to a healthy environment.
● Recognize children as uniquely vulnerable to the consequences of climate change and pollution, especially those living in rural areas and marginalized communities, by prioritizing their health and well-being, and considering their rights during climate change decision-making processes.
● Invest in child-centered adaptation strategies that build resilience in our communities, ensuring access to food, sanitation, healthcare, clean water and air particularly in vulnerable regions.
● Ensuring children’s awareness of their rights and opportunities by incorporating child-friendly accessible versions of climate and environmental documents and policies.
● Advance the energy transition to clean energy, with focus on electricity, heating and cooking in households by implementing a comprehensive strategy that integrates renewable energy adoption and energy efficiency measures.
● Build regional partnerships to protect children’s rights in regard to the fields of ecology, climate change adaptation and mitigation (disaster risk reduction).
Expansion of meaningful participation of children and youth in climate change processes.
● Include the youth in the decision-making process by creating national youth parliaments and youth advisory groups within the governmental bodies, international organizations, and CSOs, operating under inclusion diversity, and non-discrimination principles.
● Set up a «Youth Climate Foundation for Central Asia + Azerbaijan, Hungary, and Türkiye» to raise funding, manage the available sources and support regional youth initiatives on climate change.
● Establish a Youth Climate Network of Central Asia + Azerbaijan, Hungary, and Türkiye to foster joint initiatives, collaborations, and transboundary solutions within the region.
● Provide global representation of youth from Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, and Türkiye by increasing opportunities to be part of global climate decision-making platforms.
Strengthening the potential of children and youth through continuous "green" education and formation of environmental culture.
● Educate children to recognize their rights and raise awareness on environmental issues through national media by creating accessible educational/entertainment contents specifically tailored for young children (TV programs, documentaries, animations, songs, books, gamification etc).
● Promoting climate education among youth by either integrating it to school curricula or by adding a new subject on climate change according to national education policies.
● Integrating climate issues to extracurriculars and organizing relevant activities (debates, UNFCCC COP simulations, art contests, tours to climate change affected areas, youth-led eco clubs, olympiads, environmental volunteering)
● Increase parents' awareness on safety and importance of environmental and climate activism through school authorities’ promotions during workshops or parents meetings to address parental bias around youth climate advocacy.
Ensuring that education policies at pre-school and school levels are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.
● Develop a curriculum that is specific and relevant to SDGs and is engaging, child-participatory and age-appropriate for pre-school and school education.
● Provide contextual education tailored to the local cultural, economic and religious practices and ensure childrens’ understanding of their roles in the ecosystem.
● Instill a high level of education, through equipping children and youth with green skills, using the best local solutions on climate adaptation and natural resource-management, and transferring their knowledge into practice.
● Further promote and engage talented students into the local governments.
● Mainstream climate change and SDG-education, as well as incorporate an intersectional perspective in the preparation of future educators and teachers.
● Build the capacity of the teaching staff on SDGs in an accessible format, by incorporating the topic to the regular training course materials with the opportunity to get certification.
● Provide peer-to-peer teaching opportunities with the involvement of climate champions and SDG advocates.
● Provide funding for SDG focused initiatives, specifically considering vulnerable and marginalized groups, children and youth.
Nazokat Kalnazarova
Nazokat Kalnazarova
Student at State School № 1 in Nukus
Laziza Abdullayeva
Laziza Abdullayeva
Research Assistant (E&S and Energy Efficiency) at WIUT
Khilolakhon Kayumova
Khilolakhon Kayumova
Interpreter at National TV and Radio Station
Beksultan Bazarbaev
Beksultan Bazarbaev
Student at Presidential School in Nukus
Salokhiddin Abdufattokhov
Salokhiddin Abdufattokhov
Student of Presidential school in Tashkent
Shodiyakhon Gulomova
Shodiyakhon Gulomova
Student at Presidential school in Navoi
Saparguly Mahtumov
Saparguly Mahtumov
United Nations Young SDG Ambassador for Goal #17, Student at Taylor's College
Madina Abdikarimova
Madina Abdikarimova
Student at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Karaganda
Komronbek Avezov
Komronbek Avezov
Regional Coordinator at the Youth for Water and Climate (Y4WC) Network under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Kadir Gürbüz
Kadir Gürbüz
Youth Climate Envoys of Turkiye, Climate Envoy of Baskent University
Saida Mammadova
Saida Mammadova
Youth Climate Envoy of Azerbaijan
Oksana Omorkulova
Oksana Omorkulova
Project manager of Enactus BSU, Student of Bishkek State University named after K. Karasaev
View document Presentation
International strategy to promote a culture of sustainable development and involvement of children and youth in the climate agenda for 2024-2030
In 2024 young people from Central Asia Azerbaijan, Türkiye and Hungary came together to develop a Youth Statement with the recommendations on increasing access to environmental education, green skills and youth participation in climate agenda. These recommendations were reflected in the “International Strategy to Promote a Culture of Sustainable Development and Involvement of Children and Youth in the Climate Agenda for 2024-2030”. In response to the recommendations provided by young people, it is proposed to establish an International Network of Young Climate Activists. Across our region, young people are already at the forefront of climate action. They are bringing passion, ideas, and innovative solutions. They have different backgrounds, but they have a common goal: a thriving, resilient world for generations to come.
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Transboundary eco system – Transboundary Protected Area (TBPA) is an ecological (natural) protected area that covers the border of more than one country. TBPAs also encourage tourism, economic development, and goodwill between neighboring countries. TBPAs exist in various types of geographic configurations, with varying levels of environmental protection, and with varying levels of international cooperation.
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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed the presentation of projects related to the recycling of household waste, electricity generation, and the production of related products.
Participants of the International Youth Environmental Camp, along with Ziroat Mirziyoyeva and guests, visited the Zarafshan National Nature Park in the Samarkand region.
Engaging youth in addressing climate issues is a crucial step towards safeguarding our future!