Sayram-Ugam National Park
Address: It is located in the northern part of the Western Tien Shan (Kazakhstan).
The Sayram-Ugam National Park was established in 2006. Its area is 149,037 hectares. Unique representatives of the flora and fauna include the Snow Leopard.

The Sayram-Ugam State National Nature Park (Kazakh: Сайрам-Өгем мемлекеттік ұлттық табиғи паркі) is a national park located in the Kazygurt, Tolebi, and Tulkubas districts of the Turkestan region in Kazakhstan, 280 km from Turkestan and 70 km from Shymkent. The park is situated in the northern part of the Western Tien Shan and includes the foothills of the Talas Alatau, as well as the Ugam, Karzhantau, and Boraldai mountain ranges.

The park's mountains exhibit vertical zoning, with seven natural zones ranging from the foothill steppes to high-altitude areas. This creates a rich diversity of wildlife. The park is home to 59 species of mammals, including the endemically Western Tien Shan ground squirrel (Menzbier's marmot), approximately 300 bird species, and 1,635 plant species, 240 of which are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.
